06/06/2009 23:44:00 By Felipe Pessoto

Enquanto começamos nossas aplicações em ASP.NET MVC, a Microsoft já planeja a versão 2.0. Sim, e pelo que parece pra esse ano, ja que o VS2010 virá com ele.

As novidades são boas, sendo que algumas já estão disponíveis no assembly Futures, como os Helpers fortemente tipados.

O foco será aplicações "enterprise":

"The goal with this release of MVC is to target Enterprise needs both in the area of productivity and requirements. Features such as Areas and AsynchronousController address various needs for enterprise apps, while Paging Helpers, and Strongly Typed helpers address productivity.

ASP.NET MVC 2 will take a runtime dependency on ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 as we plan to ship project templates and tooling for both Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010. The next major version of ASP.NET MVC after version 2 will likely drop support for Visual Studio 2008 and require the ASP.NET 4 framework.

Visual Studio 2010 
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 support as an add-on (Sometime in June) 
Included in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and post Beta 2

Visual Studio 2008 
Will continue to ship a standalone installer for MVC for Visual Studio 2008

ASP.NET MVC 2 Features 
Areas - Provide a means of grouping controllers and views to build out subsections of a site in isolation.
Asynchronous Controller Actions - Provide an asynchronous programming model for controller actions for improved scalability. 
Strongly-typed input helpers – Expression-based helpers for generating form fields against the model. 
Strongly-typed link helpers – strongly typed helpers for generating action links
Support for Data Annotations - The default model binder will include support for Data Annotations attributes (a la Dynamic Data). 
Caching Improvements - Improve various caching scenarios. 
Misc - Various improvements"

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